Siamo Luca e Valentina, ci siamo incontrati a Venezia
e insieme ci siamo trasferiti ad Amsterdam.
Abbiamo un gatto nero, olandese, di nome Bram, andiamo
sempre in giro in bicicletta, siamo appassionati di libri illustrati,
amiamo il buon cibo e le tavolate numerose.
We are Luca and Valentina, we met in Venice and togethe
we moved to Amsterdam where we live since eight years.
We have a black, dutch cat named Bram, we always bike around,
we love illustrated books, good food and big dinner tables full of friends.
Valentina è una designer, ha studiato per essere una designer, ha lavorato negli ultimi dieci anni per essere una buona designer e adesso, cucina.
Iniziato come un timido hobby, adesso stare dietro ai fornelli è diventata la sua attività principale e la sua passione più forte. Tuttavia non ha abbandonato la strada precedente, continua a dedicarsi a progetti di styling, art direction, prodotto e illustrazione.
Tutto è iniziato qualche anno fa, quando ha pubblicato per Corraini, il suo primo libro Herbarium Taste, un progetto grafico da mangiare, una raccolta di illustrazioni e fotografie che raccontano le proprietà nutritive di alcuni prodotti alimentari.Da quel momento ha iniziato a sezionare pomodori, zucche, polli e polpi, a stupirsi dell’incredibile varietà di colori, forme e texture di questi oggetti, del loro gusto,
dei loro infiniti impieghi. Osserva con occhio da designer e si sporca le mani da cuoca.
Ha studiato Architettura e Design degli interni tra Venezia, Milano e Parigi. Ora vive ad Amsterdam, ha uno studio che si chiama internoconcucina e cucina in un rinomato ristorante italiano, Toscanini.
Valentina is a designer, she’s studied to be a designer, she’ve been working in the past ten years to be a good designer, and now she cooks. It used to be one of that dream that everyone has, something like “maybe in an other life...”, till the moment she found the courage to follow it. Now, since three years, she is part of the kitchen staff of Amsterdam’s popular Italian restaurant Toscanini. She hasn’t abandoned her previous path, and she is still busy with design projects and stylings. Everything started few years ago when she published her first book, Herbarium Taste, a collection of infographics, illustrations and notions over fruits and vegetables benefits. From that moment, she started to use food as a material for all her projects. Valentina graduated in Architecture with a master in Interior design between Venice, Paris and Milan.
She lives in Amsterdam since eight years, she is the cofounder of a design studio called internoconcucina and since three years she is working in the kitchen of Toscanini restaurant.
dei loro infiniti impieghi. Osserva con occhio da designer e si sporca le mani da cuoca.
Ha studiato Architettura e Design degli interni tra Venezia, Milano e Parigi. Ora vive ad Amsterdam, ha uno studio che si chiama internoconcucina e cucina in un rinomato ristorante italiano, Toscanini.

Valentina is a designer, she’s studied to be a designer, she’ve been working in the past ten years to be a good designer, and now she cooks. It used to be one of that dream that everyone has, something like “maybe in an other life...”, till the moment she found the courage to follow it. Now, since three years, she is part of the kitchen staff of Amsterdam’s popular Italian restaurant Toscanini. She hasn’t abandoned her previous path, and she is still busy with design projects and stylings. Everything started few years ago when she published her first book, Herbarium Taste, a collection of infographics, illustrations and notions over fruits and vegetables benefits. From that moment, she started to use food as a material for all her projects. Valentina graduated in Architecture with a master in Interior design between Venice, Paris and Milan.
She lives in Amsterdam since eight years, she is the cofounder of a design studio called internoconcucina and since three years she is working in the kitchen of Toscanini restaurant.
Luca è un designer di giocattoli per bambini e un illustratore. Disegna navicelle spaziali, creature fantastiche, personaggi immaginari e macchine velocissime, che poi trasforma in giocattoli. A volte si occupa di cose da adulti, si sveglia alle 6 di mattina e disegna icone per Philips. Quando ha giornate libere illustra libri per bambini e città lontane.
Nel 2016 ha lanciato la prima collezione di animali a dondolo del suo brand e continua a disegnare giocattoli per vari brand internazionali. Ha appena pubblicato con Corraini un libro illustrato dal titolo TUTTI IN FILA. Ha studiato Architettura e Grafica allo IUAV di Venezia.
Luca is a toy designer for kids and illustrator.
In his working days he draws fantastic creatures,
airpalnes, colorful characters, fast cars which
he converts in toys to play. Sometimes he’s busy with grown up stuffs, he wakes up
at 6 am in the morning, travel to the south of Holland where he design icons for Philips.
In 2016 he founded his own Toy brand BLUC with a collection of rocking animals. Aside, he keeps on collaborating with several international brands as toy designer and as illustrator, represented by the german agency Sepia. He just published for Corraini an illustrated book, STANDING IN LINE. He studied Architecture and graphic design at the IUAV University of Venice, Italy.
Nel 2016 ha lanciato la prima collezione di animali a dondolo del suo brand e continua a disegnare giocattoli per vari brand internazionali. Ha appena pubblicato con Corraini un libro illustrato dal titolo TUTTI IN FILA. Ha studiato Architettura e Grafica allo IUAV di Venezia.

Luca is a toy designer for kids and illustrator.
In his working days he draws fantastic creatures,
airpalnes, colorful characters, fast cars which
he converts in toys to play. Sometimes he’s busy with grown up stuffs, he wakes up
at 6 am in the morning, travel to the south of Holland where he design icons for Philips.
In 2016 he founded his own Toy brand BLUC with a collection of rocking animals. Aside, he keeps on collaborating with several international brands as toy designer and as illustrator, represented by the german agency Sepia. He just published for Corraini an illustrated book, STANDING IN LINE. He studied Architecture and graphic design at the IUAV University of Venice, Italy.